
After reading this article, the opening words struct me:

It won’t be surprising if cultural historians look back on the first two decades of this century as The Era of Crazed Oral Gratification. I’m speaking of the fetishization of food, of cooking and eating, of watching other people cooking and eating, that has become omnipresent across all platforms, all media, all screens and all palates in our great nation.

It really is so true! And in light of the quest for ‘Oral Gratification’, the journey comes to a standstill with my favourite 2 bowls of goodness. Think about it – there are few things in this world as satisfying as a bowl of salsa, guacamole and a bag full of crispy corn nachos. The ultimate treat! Now while I am not the largest fan of the ‘fusion‘ movement (although it has actually been with us for centuries), this combination of mango and Mexican flavours does some serious magic – and that just cannot be ignored. For the last year or two, pretty much ever since I made the first batch of it, mango salsa has become a staple party snack, and a regular on our dinner table whenever we have a Mexican meal. 

And guacamole! Well, I really don’t even have to explain why guacamole is amazing. Plain avocado with lime and salt would suffice too. I wish I could eat one everyday! My mango salsa and guacamole are both a cheaters version – where I just add a few spoons of my homemade salsa, and then season and adjust.


For the mango salsa, since its rather sweet, a dash of good quality Mexican habanero sauce does the trick. My brother was amazing enough to bring me a hamper full of authentic and fantastic sauces when he visited Mexico in December. Just a few drops of that potent fiery Salsa Habanero Chimay is what works best for me, but feel free to use any alternate brand or chilli sauce of choice, or some fresh green chilli/jalepeno. 

There you have it! If mangos aren’t in season, you can try my pineapple salsa for wondrous results too! 

Mango Salsa
Serves 4
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Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 2 almost ripe mangoes, finely diced
  2. 2 tbs tomato salsa (recipe link mentioned above)
  3. 1 tsp habanero sauce
  4. 1 tbs coriander leaves, finely chopped
  5. 1-2 tsp lime juice
  6. salt
  1. Mix together all the ingredients, and season. Adjust to to taste, as sometimes the mango may be too sweet and sometimes may be slightly bland.
  2. Chill in the freezer for a half hour before serving with plain/salted nachos.
  1. I personally prefer using almost ripe mangoes, as they retain their shape when mixed together with the other ingredients. Ripe mangoes taste great as well, but at times result into a visually sloppy mess. But feel free to use whatever you have on hand!
Joie De Vivre

The process of making the guacamole is way simpler! Paying homage to its natural creaminess and texture, the key is not to overdo the additions to the guacamole. All it needs is a good helping of lime, salt and just a tiny bit of salsa, to preserve its flavour and to allow it to work its natural magic. 

Serves 4
Avocado goodness
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 avocado
  2. 1-2 tsp tomato salsa (recipe link mentioned above)
  3. 1 tbs lime juice
  4. salt
  1. Scoop out the flesh of the avocado into a bowl and mix together with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Maintaining small chunks of avocado adds to the flavour, so don't over mix.
  3. Adjust seasoning and lime to taste. Serve chilled.
  1. If making this in advance, make sure to cover properly to prevent the avocado from browning.
Joie De Vivre

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