sweet potato

Vegetable and Sweet Potato Dim Sum/Wontons

With COVID-19 taking over the mind space of a lot of us, the social distancing protocol, especially for us in a densely infested metropolis like Bombay, has become paramount to our physical health (I will need hours of emotional assistance after spending all my waking hours in the confines of our home, at the mercy of my infant and toddler). Devising (and getting them to voluntarily participate in) games, activities, and constructive play has always been something I’ve very happily passed on to the experts. But Sitara and I do love to bake together, and she’s now partaking in the cooking as well. Right before #flattenthecurve went mainstream, we enjoyed a yum cha feast, and ever since then the concept of dim sum (or maybe she just likes the way it sounds?!) has fascinated her and one confinement day, we decided to make dim sums using whatever was on hand, i.e. Read more…

Im back, with a baby! (and the Perfect Summer Salad)

Hi there,

Its been a while.

Almost shy of a year, but who’s counting?

(I am, its been 10 months).

My last post was in June, while braving the summer heat and the insane humidity that is a forbearer of my beloved monsoon, when I was slaving away making pasta from scratch, figuring out innovative ways to use morel that was freshly brought in from Kashmir (which now, 10 months later, is still lying patiently in a glass jar in the pantry). But all this aside, we’ve been blessed with the most adoring little baby girl, and I’m over the moon. She’s almost 2 months now, which is why I now feel slightly able to hit the kitchen again (I couldn’t stand the strong smells in the kitchen for all my trimesters, and all I wanted to cook was comfort food like manchurian and iced tea which I wasn’t risking to eat out due to the fear of MSG overload).

My pregnancy was a ride, but a really welcome one! Now that baby is out, mama’s feelings towards the smells have alleviated, letting me slowly but surely return to my beloved kitchen. I wondered whether my first post-natal blog post would include any of my pregnancy experiences, like aversions / obsessions / recipes and  Read more…

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Spring Onion and Goats Cheese

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Spring Onion and Goats Cheese

Now apart from my last post on the summer fresh and easy umami chickpea sandwiches, the bulk of 2015 has been written up as sweet posts, including Momofuku’s cinnamon brown butter bun pie, amarula spiked chocolate pudding pots and coconut brown butter cookies with the exception of my Valentine’s Day inspired heart shaped champagne and truffle risotto. Time to give you a more balanced approach to cooking! Today I have for you an absolute stunner – Sweet Potato salad with spring onion and goats cheese. This stunner has been adapted from Ottolenghi’s arsenal of glorious recipes. Now as you may recall, I’ve succeeded at emulating Ottolenghi’s sweet potato cakes, which I still fantasise and salivate over.

There’s enough potato in this significant salad to serve as a meal in itself for 4-5 people, or as a part of a larger gathering of food, for 8-10 people. But I would definitely size it down and serve it to myself for a gratifying and fire-crackingly flavourful lunch or dinner – nutritiously comprising of gluten and grain free carbs along with a handful of vegetables and sprinkling of protein. And my most important food group – spice!

The bulk of the work is done by the beautiful marriage of the ingredients – the perfectly golden…

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