I do realise that when I say vegan pound cake, it sounds like a major oxymoron – a hoax, almost like saying a vegan macaron or a vegan meringue. But this time, its legitimate. The butter most obviously is substituted by margarine or any other vegan dairy spread. But the real richness and that solid heaviness typical to a pound cake batter is courtesy of the tofu. I used a half packet of the 12oz firm variety, so approximately 6oz, and processed it until smooth and lump free before adding to the batter.

Now like many pound cakes world over, there are many additions, flavours, and other confetti that you can throw in, based on your personal preferences. But this cake is a great great one to keep in your repertoire, and it is genuinely one that I wasn’t initially sure would actually result in a pound cake consistency and texture.
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