
Pimped up Noodles

Wanting something noodly (yes, it is a word. Yes, I coined it myself) and quick resulted in this bowl of black pepper noodles being amped up with some vegetables, some nut butter and a few but aromatic garnishes. I always end up buying more ready to eat noodles than I can make, which worked out great on a day like today! I started with Koka’s Black Pepper noodles, followed the instructions, added my twist and voila! A hearty 5 minute meal for one (and a half). 

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Carrot, Chickpea and Pistachio Salad

As someone who grew up in Bombay (ah, this “Mumbaikar” terminology just doesn’t sit well with me) I am no stranger to the monsoon. This isn’t like any other type of monsoon. Apart from the massive downpours and days of grey gloom, there’s also much to enjoy about it (mostly indoor activities, such as eating and drinking). But my ode to the rain and the link to this particular salad is that in the monsoon, reliability and availability of fresh produce is slim, especially the leafy variants. Of course, living in the buzzing metropolis means we get blueberries in the monsoon and strawberries in the summer heat, but I like the idea of having some seasonally favourable salads in my repertoire.   Read more…

Im back, with a baby! (and the Perfect Summer Salad)

Hi there,

Its been a while.

Almost shy of a year, but who’s counting?

(I am, its been 10 months).

My last post was in June, while braving the summer heat and the insane humidity that is a forbearer of my beloved monsoon, when I was slaving away making pasta from scratch, figuring out innovative ways to use morel that was freshly brought in from Kashmir (which now, 10 months later, is still lying patiently in a glass jar in the pantry). But all this aside, we’ve been blessed with the most adoring little baby girl, and I’m over the moon. She’s almost 2 months now, which is why I now feel slightly able to hit the kitchen again (I couldn’t stand the strong smells in the kitchen for all my trimesters, and all I wanted to cook was comfort food like manchurian and iced tea which I wasn’t risking to eat out due to the fear of MSG overload).

My pregnancy was a ride, but a really welcome one! Now that baby is out, mama’s feelings towards the smells have alleviated, letting me slowly but surely return to my beloved kitchen. I wondered whether my first post-natal blog post would include any of my pregnancy experiences, like aversions / obsessions / recipes and  Read more…

Carrot Cake

I don’t buy it a tab bit when people say they don’t like carrot cake. Its not possible. They probably haven’t tried carrot cake, and are just put off by the idea, like some people are put off by zucchini bread. I find that if i just serve it without bringing the name of the […] Read more…

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