
Pear & Vanilla Preserve Cake

I adore fruit cake and tea cake. I adore cake that doesn’t get lost or doused in layers of cream and sugar. But sometimes I like that too.

Ok fine.

I love cake.

ALL cake.

And this Pear & Vanilla Preserve Cake is no exception.

The standout ingredient is (most obviously) the pear and vanilla preserve, which honestly I don’t know if I would ever again waste on toast. Like ever. again. The entire bottleful went into this cake, and worked so wonderfully well with the crunchy walnuts and the spicy cinnamon and nutmeg. Almost like carrot cake meets orange marmalade cake!

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Valrhona Bundt Cake with Fresh Strawberries

It’s mid-December, and it’s HIGH time that I get down to those strawberry centred recipes! Quite honestly, I have been busy travelling and attending weddings or doing wedding planning, the former being more fun than the latter! Over the last weekend SS and I were in Bangalore to celebrate a college friend’s wedding, and it was so wonderful to see people again after 7-8 years! The weekend was fabulous, and we even got to sample some authentic Karnataka food, my favourite being their popular shallot-based curry and dry roasted whole chillies which have this amazing pungent spice, yet isn’t fiery.

It was also so humbling to meet people after ages, and the first topic of conversation being Joie De Vivre, and how it makes people salivate, and want to eat/cook some themselves! [Predominantly it was the eating!] Now that being the case, I feel like committing sacrilege by constantly professing my love of strawberries and not translating that into anything on the blog. I’ve actually made this cake a couple of times already, and they’ve managed to gain  Read more…

Vegan Pound Cake

I do realise that when I say vegan pound cake, it sounds like a major oxymoron – a hoax, almost like saying a vegan macaron or a vegan meringue. But this time, its legitimate. The butter most obviously is substituted by margarine or any other vegan dairy spread. But the real richness and that solid heaviness typical to a pound cake batter is courtesy of the tofu. I used a half packet of the 12oz firm variety, so approximately 6oz, and processed it until smooth and lump free before adding to the batter.

Now like many pound cakes world over, there are many additions, flavours, and other confetti that you can throw in, based on your personal preferences. But this cake is a great great one to keep in your repertoire, and it is genuinely one that I wasn’t initially sure would actually result in a pound cake consistency and texture.
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Carrot Cake

I don’t buy it a tab bit when people say they don’t like carrot cake. Its not possible. They probably haven’t tried carrot cake, and are just put off by the idea, like some people are put off by zucchini bread. I find that if i just serve it without bringing the name of the […] Read more…

Lemon Coconut Bundt Cake

There are some culinary experiences that are forever etched in your psyche. They are unique, because quite frankly, they just cannot be recreated, and are incomparable with any other exploit. One such meal that I am proud to have experienced was at Dinner by Heston. Triggered by that, and his TV show How to Cook […] Read more…

Intense Chococcino Cake

After 5 long years, I finally took the plunge and decided to change careers. Co-incidentally, on the weekend that I finished my last working day, I got an email from BlogAdda for a Canola Oil Cookout Event. The event included a nutritionist, a cardiologist and a chef, all talking about the benefits and uses of […] Read more…

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