Quarantine means a lot of time in the kitchen for me, innovating a new recipe using what’s available in the fridge or pantry, and lots of baking with Sitara. I’m not one of those moms that’s gets too worked up about her consuming sweet too much, but I do believe in moderation and healthy habits. Lucky for us, she’s always made greener, wholesome choices herself, I mean her favourite colour is green!

But since mama-baby baking has become a more frequent activity, I wanted to alternate using classic ingredients like sugar, butter and flour with ingredients line almond flour, coconut oil, whole rolled oats and almond milk. The results have not disappointed at al! From the daily 1000 odd articles on 🦠 we consume, one cannot ignore that sugar is the greatest compromiser of immunity. So especially in the absurd times to live in, cutting down or replacing sugar with alternatives is one step I would definitely suggest making the effort to inculcate.  Read more…