Joie De Vivre

How to Fight Those Monday Blues

Hate the fact that its a Monday, yet again? Instead of cribbing our way through 1/7th of our lives, here are 10 amazing and easy ways to take back your Mondays, and give yourself a bit of love!

1. Since breakfast is the most important meal of your day – start the first meal of the week with a wholesome and healthy breakfast. My favourite involves dousing a few tablespoons of strawberry compote and dried fruit and nuts over low fat yoghurt. Yumm!

2. Enrol yourself in something adventurous, that you’ve always been meaning to get around to, but just haven’t been able to! Let go of all the nitty-gritties and just do it!

3. De-clutter for a cause! Don’t forget, one person’s trash is another man’s treasure. Get rid of that dress thats been on the hanger for well over a year, that piece of jewellery that was a mistake, or that pile of CD thats been collecting dust while occupying prime bedroom real estate. Not only will your home look cleaner – its for a really good cause!

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Obsessing Over

1. In case you’re still braving the summer with that cup of hot coffee, heres more reasons to trade it in for a tall iced coffee.

2. Cold Brewed Coffee? Yes please!

3. I am craving an avocado. Just one will do – slit in half, with a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of sea salt. Basic and best! Or, in sushi. Slurp! Read more…

Obsessing Over

 Here kick starts a new series: Obsessing Over My current obsessions include (but are in no way restricted to): 1. Thankful Journal Even though I have completed my 100 Happy Days challenge, these adorable journals are too dam pretty to ignore. 2. Super Efficient take-away menus organiser. Why the hell not!?  3. Waterfall braid. I […] Read more…

The Great Grover Stomp

We made it to the Stomp this year with great gusto and enthusiasm (enough to relieve some of the aggravation of missing it last year – I hope!). Hosted by Grover Zampa at their vineyards which are situated approximately 30 kilometres shy of Nasik, perched atop a hill with breathtaking views of the Western Ghats […] Read more…

A Taste of Cordon Bleu, London

Le Cordon Bleu has always been on my agenda of dreams, and this summer, I can officially say that its been ticked off! The Cordon Bleu has been an premier and leading institution in the culinary world for time immemorial. I signed up for a 1-day ‘taster’ of the patisserie workshop, and the day that […] Read more…

Tea Tasting

  There has been a significant amount of undocumented baking over the last month, including the best apple crisp, with vanilla bean and bourbon, good ol’ red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, made green for Xmas cheer, and some spiced gingerbread cookies, with lemon butter-cream frosting. Before all this, was a nearly week long […] Read more…

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